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Forgive or forget

Writer: Lauren DanielleLauren Danielle

First I would like to share an Excerpt from my first book A Journey To Well-being: A 21 Day Guide to Mind-Body-Spirit Health.

Forgiveness is one of life's toughest lessons. Often when we are pained by a person or situation, we may build up anger and resentment or bury it deep within our subconscious. We have to realize that forgiveness is not for the other person; it is for you. *It’s important to remember that forgiveness is for-giving; it is for YOU to GIVE to your freedom.* Holding on to things can build up disease or re-occurring situations. It could start in your emotional body and manifest into other ailments throughout the human anatomy. If there is a situation that makes you upset as if it happened in the now; you may not have forgiven it. Sometimes we are required to forgive ourselves. You may be upset about a decision you made or did not make. I just want to tell you Warrior; Even though what happened didn't look nor feel good. It happened for a purpose deeper than we may ever know. Just be gentle with yourself and pray for strength to release it and/or for a solution.

If you are ready to forgive, here's an activity for you: Confront whatever you didn't forgive. You can do this by journaling, speaking to the person who offended or hurt you, role playing or doing mirror work. If you feel you need support, please reach out by sending me an email:

Sometimes we may just need someone to be alongside us on the journey. I get it. I did this journey alone and it wasn't a walk in the park, but God!! If you want to be held accountable on your journey, I highly suggest you join the HealThy Self challenge. Get tickets now!

To your freedom!

Peace, Love, and Vibes SOulDIVINE,



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